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You're Very Welcome

I'm currently at the homestead at the Amitabha Buddhist Retreat Centre in Nanango. About a week ago, Celine and Charles went out for an appointment and I opted to stay here and work on the practice booklet for the centre.

Two brothers who have been helping at the centre came by to do some work. While they were here, as requested, they placed a large, heavy box in the carport where it would be safe from any rain. After they did so, I said thank you. In return I received a smile and "You're very welcome."


Not a mumbled "welcome" or even a "you're welcome." But a sincerely said "You're very welcome." And a smile.

If anyone thinks a smile and sincere expressions of appreciation don't matter very much, they need to meet Woody and Clay.

Failing that, please take it from me. This event happened a week ago and I still smile as I think back on the sincerity and naturalness of that simple reply. Sincerity and simple courtesy can brighten a person's whole day. And that's the giving of fearlessness.


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