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Taking a Ship to the Other Shore

Our true nature is the same as that of Buddhas. But simply because we became deluded and violated this nature, we have been trapped in the endless cycle of reincarnation. The Buddhas took pity on us and taught us the Dharma according to sentient beings’ conditions so that we might all return to our true nature.  

There are many methods to practice; the two most important [for us] are Zen and the Pure Land. They offer us the easiest ways to transcend endless reincarnation. For the Zen method, one relies solely on one’s own effort. For the Pure Land method, one relies on both one’s own effort and Amitabha Buddha’s help. Comparing the two, the Pure Land method suits our characters the best.  

Just like a person who wishes to cross a sea must expediently and comfortably take a ship to the other side, sentient beings in the Dharma-ending stage will find the Pure Land method is the only reliable method. Other methods do not suit our characters and are difficult to succeed in.

One makes up one’s great Bodhi mind, establishes one’s sincere faith and vow, practices being mindful of Amitabha Buddha, and upholds it throughout one’s lifetime. When one practices this method this deeply, all attachments in one’s mind will drop. The exact and profound state of the Zen practice thus completely surfaces, as well.

At the end of one’s present life, one will be escorted by Amitabha Buddha to be reborn in the Pure Land in a high grade and with the attainment of no-birth and no-death. There is a key secret I want to advise sincerely, that is, to practice with one’s utmost sincerity and respect is immensely wondrous, tremendously wondrous.

~ Great Master Yin Guang


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Reader Comments (1)

Thank you for posting these wonderful messages Venerable Wuling. I am a lone cultivator and rely on words like these to help deepen my faith,vows and practice.
Namo Amitabha Buddha
April 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark Errington

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