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As Uncomprehending As Children

Question: When we asked what you had to say about the disaster in Haiti, you reminded us of the principles of Karma. All the people who are affected by this tragedy are experiencing the result of their own actions, perhaps from another lifetime. This is difficult for me to understand. For one thing - if they are getting what they deserve - how does compassion enter the picture? Wouldn't it be easy to see people in trouble and dismiss them because it's their own fault?

Response: Throughout our innumerable lifetimes, not knowing about or not truly understanding the natural law of causality, we have thought and acted without considering the consequences. We were ignorant. And we still are. 

We were, and are, like children who act impulsively without thinking about what could happen.

Just as we feel compassion for the child who burns his hand on the stove or who hurts herself falling out of a tree, we feel compassion for those who bring suffering upon themselves through their own actions. They were ignorant. Just like us.

To understand that suffering is brought about by one's actions allows us to learn from the situation. It also gives us the opportunity to deepen our compassion through the practice of the giving of wealth (time and effort not just money) and fearlessness.

To dismiss that suffering as the person's own fault is to be judgmental, not compassionate.

No matter how big or old the other person, they are actually children when it comes to realizing the pervasiveness of causality.

Just like us.


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