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A Heart as Big as an Elephant


Do not be afraid of a task that is difficult

or become careless when a job is easy.



Deep in the jungle lived two friends: a large elephant and a small bird no bigger than the tip of the elephant’s trunk. You might think their friendship was unusual, but in the past such things were quite common. Animals and birds could talk to one another, and everyone got along happily together.

One day, while bird and elephant were enjoying a drink of water at their favorite stream, they heard distant calls of distress. Elephant asked bird to please fly up high to see what was happening. Bird flew above the trees and saw the reason for the alarm. On a distant ridge, there was a fire! Bird quickly flew down to elephant and reported what he saw. Elephant kneeled down, put her ear to the ground, and said, yes she could hear the sounds of many animals running.

Bird said excitedly, “We have to help our friends. Not all the birds can fly high and long enough to escape the fire.” Elephant agreed, saying “And not all the animals are fast enough to outrun the flames. But what can we do?”

Bird said, “I can carry water on my wings, and you can carry it in your trunk.” And with that bird dove under the water and then soared up into the air. He flew to the fire and sprinkled the few drops of water he carried onto the flames. He then flew back to where elephant was filling her trunk.

“Hurry!” cried bird.

But elephant reassured her friend. “Don’t worry. You cannot carry much water, but my trunk holds a lot.” Bird dove into the water again and flew off to the fire. After elephant filled her trunk and went a few steps, she carelessly tripped and spilled some water. Back to the stream she went to refill her trunk.

In the meantime, bird was flying back and forth as fast as he could. The fleeing animals and birds cried out, “”Save yourself. It’s hopeless. You can’t carry enough water!” Bird replied he had to try and that elephant was also bringing water in her trunk. The animals knew that bird was very persistent. But they also knew that as good-hearted as elephant was, she was careless so they weren’t sure how helpful she would.

Inspired by bird and elephant, the other birds and animals pitched in to help. Soon they were all working together to put out the fire. They made so much noise they woke the forest god. He saw bird fearlessly flying back and forth leading the others in trying to put out the fire. He also saw the elephant and the other animals helping.

Touched by their courage, the forest god threw his staff high into the air to pierce a cloud. Rain began to fall and soon the fire was out. With everyone safe, bird flew back to elephant.

Always honest, elephant confessed she had not paid enough attention to what she was doing. She put her trunk on the ground to cradle the exhausted bird and promised that in the future she would be more careful.


To carry out tasks,

we need to be not only courageous, but careful as well.


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Reader Comments (1)

Lovely story and as always timely since I am embarqing on a large task.

In my garden reading I learned that trees reach out and fuse their roots together and it is believed that is how they communicate. When there is a fire, pines will release a chemical. Perhaps they communicate this with their roots.

The communication in nature is fabulous. It is sad we have lost so much connection in our modern living.

Thank you for your words of wisdom. :-)
July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSue K

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