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On Reciting the Name of the Buddha

Practice reciting the name of the Buddha to the extent that "flowers flourish and the Buddha comes into view."

We all have a Buddha immanent in our minds. When we practice recitation to the extent that our minds are pure and free of vexations, we will meet the buddha within ourselves. Therefore, only by the extinction of all vexations can we attain the stage where "flowers flourish and the Buddha comes into view."

We should practice compassion and forbearance in our daily lives while avoiding impulsiveness and petulance and controlling our temper. Be adroit and harmonious when dealing with people and handle everything with the help of reason.

Seek not the faults of others and do not be vexed by the rights or wrongs we perceive. Be gentle and kind to others, though not for the sake of building up connections. Treat everyone, be he/she moral or immoral, with equality and impartiality.

Do not turn others away with an icy face. With every move intended for the benefit of others and done with sympathetic compassion, not only will we foster good affinity with others but our minds will be purified and ourselves free of all vexations.

We are thereby attaining the stage where "flowers flourish and the Buddha comes into view."

~ The Analects of Master Kuang-ch'in


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Reader Comments (4)

I am printing this out and putting it on my bathroom mirror. I need to try to limit those "I wish I would have"... or "if only I would not haves"... refections at the end of my day. If I read this at the onset maybe it will remind me and keep my daily practice where I want it to be. Thank you once again- these writngs have become such a touchstone for me.
Peace,love, and laughter!
July 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKristine
How cool is that I also printed this one out to re-read as well!

Would you know how to print these pages with out having to use all the green. Is there somewhere I can go in my laptop to un-do the green background??

July 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranybody
Hmmm. I printed two ways but couldn't duplicate your getting the green background. At the bottom of each entry is a print icon. After you click it and the page to print opens, go to File on the menu bar and click Print. Or you can copy (control + C) and paste (control + V) the text in to Word.
July 20, 2009 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling
Got it thanks:)

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranybody

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