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For Those Who Are Wondering...

I'm still here!

Just very, very, very (you get the idea ;-)) busy with a project for my Teacher.

You will each know the kind of project. What appeared to only need ten hours or so has turned into a classic one-thing-leads-to-another situation, which has gone on for over a month. Suffice it to say that I'm learning new skills. And improving old ones.

If anyone has a question (that can be answered in considerable less than ten hours) please feel free to ask it now. My brain is numb and ideas for entries are not forthcoming.

And for those who have asked, How Will I Behave Today? is now at the printers and we're discussing the technical details. (I figure if I can't be eloquent and elucidating, I can at least be informative...)


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Reader Comments (6)

When you go out in public in your traditional robes, you are treated a certain way. Do you ever consider putting on a wig and average clothing to reconnect with a perspective of how the "real world" is doing? Maybe get fresh ideas to address to society?

What comes to mind is, people slow down and don't speed when they see a cop, but when the cop is in a regular car and clothing, they see what is really happening. Parents and kids often have the same scenario.

There was a story on this morning of a cop who was shopping with his wife. He was not in uniform and they caught two guys stealing at a store. If they had seen him in a uniform, they would have dispersed faster and probably not been caught.

I think sometimes someone's "uniform" can create a bubble around them. I was thinking you may experience the same phenomenon.
December 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSue K
Dear SK

I have read Venerable Wu Lings perspectives and have read some of your stuff as well. I would offer this opinion: we already KNOW how people are in general. The robes give them an opportunity to reflect on their behaviors and act better weather it is out of oe of the big three reasons.

1. Respect out of fear of negative consequences.
2. Logical reasoning.
3. Action from the heart.

Its not everyday you see a Buddhist Monastic, they are ususally in Monasteries building their goodness and away from it all for the purpose of having at least a Monastic with good energy "preserving the way" for us lay people.

Got another thought?

December 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranybody
Dear Anybody,
Yes, I have "another thought". My apologies for arising hostility in you. My posting was a "pondering" since Venerable had mentioned some of her encounters in public and the reactions she received in our group discussions. It was a reflection on our society's actions based on visual cues.
Some of the greatest teachings and good of our times have not been behind closed walls, but in the streets. Mother Theresa had the approach of working among the sick and poor.
Each of us has a blend of our good works, both internal and external. Venerable does both.
In this posting, Venerable mentioned "being stuck". Changing a perspective can often bring new insights.
December 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSue K

Just for fun technically I would disagree with you that "the greatest teachings have not been behind close doors." Yes they have been. You see that individual before doing "great" things had a personsal experience. No matter how much it is expounded upon we will never know until we have our own "personal experience." Words and meaning of words do nothing but give our ears and eyes a workout.

Think about this:
Once you put a circle around something it is no longer anything.

One of Mara's helpers was wathching the lay people on earth and he saw a person found a piece of the Truth. Mara's helper went back to Mara very worried and reported what he saw. Mara reported back "don't worry once man finds Truth he will make a religion out of it."

So you see SK even the best of intentions to record and expound the Truth can be lost on the most sincere person due to too much analysis. Keep it as simple as possible.

December 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranybody
Simply - my philosophy is balance.
Balance of Mindfulness and Action.
Mindfulness is the "internal", Action is the "external".
Action done with Mindfulness.
Mindfulness expressed with Action.
Gestalt - they are most powerful together.

I am sure Venerable's prayers and mindfulness are powerful.
When she combines them with the action of writing, they become more powerful because they bring wisdom to the lives of others outside her doors. Her writing would be less without the mindfulness. It is a beautiful balance.

I am thankful and priviledged to be able to read her writings even when we are on opposite sides of the planet.
December 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSue K

Reading others' hard work is very lovely
Quoting others is very nice too,
having a personal experience is heavenly.

Being the stonecutter of the biggest moutain is
where its happening!

December 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranybody

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