For Those Who Are Wondering...
December 3, 2009
Venerable Wuling

I'm still here!

Just very, very, very (you get the idea ;-)) busy with a project for my Teacher.

You will each know the kind of project. What appeared to only need ten hours or so has turned into a classic one-thing-leads-to-another situation, which has gone on for over a month. Suffice it to say that I'm learning new skills. And improving old ones.

If anyone has a question (that can be answered in considerable less than ten hours) please feel free to ask it now. My brain is numb and ideas for entries are not forthcoming.

And for those who have asked, How Will I Behave Today? is now at the printers and we're discussing the technical details. (I figure if I can't be eloquent and elucidating, I can at least be informative...)


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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