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Being Attached to Set Forms of Practice

You may recite the Buddha's name sitting, standing, kneeling, or circumambulating the altar, etc. but you should not be attached to any set ways.

If you become attached to a fixed position, your body may tire easily and your mind may find it difficult to merge with the Mind of the Buddhas. To reap benefits, you should make allowances for your health or habits and skillfully select the practice that fits your circumstances.

Traditionally, Pure Land practitioners circumambulate the altar at the beginning of a Buddha Recitation session. then sit down, and, finally, kneel. However, if you feel tired when circumambulation or kneeling, you should sit down and recite. If you become drowsy while seated, you can circumambulate the altar or recite standing up, waiting for the drowsiness to go away before sitting down again. When reciting, it is better to determine the length of the session with a clock, rather than fingering a rosary, as doing so may make it difficult to focus the mind and keep it empty and pure.

~ Great Master's Yin Guang, Thirteenth Patriarch of the Pure Land school


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Reader Comments (2)

Venerable, Thank you for the lesson on Being Attached to Set Forms of Practice.
I must admit that I have been guilty of the pride of wanting to do it "right". Because of arthritis and surgeries on my knees and shoulders, I don't walk very well. I'm unable to stand for a long time and I can't get down and sit on my zafu on the floor. Oh,how I used to fly like I was on a magic flying carpet. But, now it would take a derrick to get me back up on my feet. ;~)
So, you have reminded me again that the practice is NOT about the form - it's about the intention! I can do the practice in my own way, without the pride of wanting to look good and the attachment of wanting a result.
November 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCameo
Letting go of attachment and pride might well make it worthwhile to loose our agility. :~)
November 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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