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Benefits of Practicing the Six Paramitas


with giving, we eliminate greed

with morality, we let go of afflictions

with patience, we dissolve hatred

with enthusiastic effort, we overcome laziness

with concentration, we calm pointless thoughts

with wisdom, we leave delusion behind.


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Reader Comments (1)

I love the fact that this is all in lower case-it brought a sweet/quiet strength to the message that helped to speak to me more completely.I had an occassion today that could have made me quite angry (it involved deer) but I went still (as still as I could while driving!!) and reached for the calmness. Then I sent loving thoughts to the driver in front of me. It really made me pause and remember what is really important and to let go of any anger. It is still quite hard but I find I reach for it more often than not these days and it has truly impacted my life. We miss you much-that technology can be tricky!! but we will be doublely thrilled to see you next Monday!Much love- Kristine (Alexzandra sends a hug:)!!)
November 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKristine

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