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Constant Mindfulness of Amitabha Buddha

Question: I am reading "Changing Destiny” by Master Chin Kung, and on page 202-203 it speaks about our mind having zero thought and attaining “stillness of thought”. I can only wonder that the only time possible to do this is being in the state of meditation. My problem is that pretty much all the time I’m always thinking of something or either fantasizing about something good happening to me. Also I have been trying to meditate, but even then I can’t seem to blank everything out, but I try hard to breathe and just chant “AMITUOFO”.

So, what I want to know is, if I’m in meditation and a thought comes to mind, but I still chant “AMITUOFO” and try to block it out, can I still get to “One mind undisturbed”?

Honestly its Really Really hard for me to just not think of something. I always have wondering thoughts going threw my head, and I fantasize a lot, actually. I like to fantasize of happy times or what I wish my life was like or could be like in another lifetime. Also, am I wrong to wish I can “pass away now” and come back in another life as some type of Rich star or celebrity? Cause I do this all the time, I’m always fantasizing about being of wealth, but I must admit I’m always giving and helping others in my fantasies!

Response: Welcome to the world of meditation!

It’s when we try to quiet and focus the mind that we realize how many thoughts we have. It takes practice—a lot of practice—to gradually eliminate all those thoughts. While we’re still having them, no, we have not reached One-mind Undisturbed. First, we have to attain Constant Mindfulness of Amitabha Buddha. As Master Chin Kung has said:

“One should first achieve Constant Mindfulness of Amitabha Buddha. When one achieves this, one is able to control one’s wandering thoughts, afflictions, and residual habits, so that they will not arise even though they are not yet eradicated. One will not give rise to afflictions or anger in adverse conditions nor will one be attached to favorable conditions. When one achieves this, one is guaranteed to attain rebirth in the Western Pure Land. However, one must be careful and maintain this state. We should know that we have severe afflictions and residual habits, which we have accumulated over uncountable eons. When we are not vigilant for a moment, they will arise. Therefore, we must remain vigilant at all times.
When one achieves One Mind Undisturbed at the phenomenal level, one has complete control of one’s afflictions and residual habits without intentional effort. When one achieves One Mind Undisturbed at the level of noumenon, all the afflictions and residual habits are turned into Bodhi and are truly eradicated. The state of One Mind Undisturbed at the level of noumenon is the same as that of enlightening the mind and seeing one’s true nature in the Zen school. In this state, one has eliminated a part of ignorance and thereby attained a part of Dharma-body. Not everyone can attain this state. But everyone can attain Constant Mindfulness of Amitabha Buddha if he or she is willing to follow and practice the teachings in the sutras diligently."
So you can see, even this state is very difficult for us to reach. And this is why we need to practice so much.

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Reader Comments (2)

Fantasizing is "living in the future, or possible future". I find when I am doing that I am not in "the Now", which is where the stillness resides. Meditation, for me, can only happen when I am totally present in the Now. How do I reside in the Now? My first steps have been to refocus to all I am grateful for at this very moment--health, nature, etc. The second step for me is Action and being totally present in those actions.

Wealth begins with gratitude and is followed by action steps. To me, this is the way to manifest intentions/fantasies.

The ultimate wealth is spiritual abundance. It knows nothing of ego and fame. It is not fleeting because it is always inside us and all around us. We all have this beauty inside of us at this very moment. For this we have the greeting of "Nameste".

You are a spiritual gem. We all are, it just takes a bit of polishing. You will get there and when you do, the beauty of your spirit will be beyond measure.

September 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSue K
This all sounds really easy, following the steps and all howeverrrrr, after the chatter comes sleepiness for me. Yet another stepping stone or road block. Once the chatter of fantansies decrease and other vignettes lessen sleepiness comes in oh what joy another choice do i take that nap or not? Hmmm? Maybe i should do something with the bed then i will sleep less. Maybe get rid of the bed in someway. Oh that's right its all in my mind anyway.

Residual habits and afflictions come in many forms.

Lots to look forward to.

September 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteranybody

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