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Better than TV – The Equine Perspective

We’re having a yard sale. Okay, okay, it's Charles and Celine who are having the yard sale and Nancy and Kelly are helping them. Don’t know where the nun is. Must be working on that silly computer again.

But we’re the official greeters! We don’t usually linger at the gate like this but honestly, all these people! It’s fascinating. They just keep coming. The upper pasture has become a parking lot with all the trucks and cars.

All this activity must be something like that TV that people stare at for hours every day. But this has to be soooo much better. TV is just a silly box that doesn’t even know you’re there.

This, on the other hand, is real! People keep talking to us and petting us and telling us how beautiful we are. Just wish they’d have thought to bring some carrots. Oh well, nothing is perfect.

But this has to be close.

Everybody is talking to one another and laughing. We’re all enjoying the beautiful clear weather after some wonderful days of rain. The dew is still on the grass and it’s all sparkly. (Probably like those stones people call diamonds but this sparkly grass can be enjoyed by everyone, and hey, it’s free!) The grass tastes yummy (although if anyone is reading this, a few carrots would make it even yummier, hint, hint!) The cats are lolling around on the verandah. We’re all breathing the beautiful, clean air.

And no one is watching that dumb TV.

~ By Jess and Chamele (for those who can't remember names, the black horse and the white horse)

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