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It's all About Choice

I'm in the midst of several translations projects, all of which have the same deadline—yesterday. (See, a monastics life is not that different from those of laypeople!) So this entry will be short and simple.

For those who have been reading the blog, you know I am having vocal cord problems. The pain is pretty much gone but I have to be very careful of what I eat: no fried, salty, acidic, or spicy foods. My voice is getting better, but I still cannot lecture or talk for long. I also have a thyroid problem, which is easily controlled by thyroid medicine. But I should not eat rice other than basmati and shouldn't eat soy products because they inhibit the thyroid medicine and that causes other problems. So I shouldn't eat regular rice, soy products, or fried, spicy, acidic, or salty foods. This is a bit of a problem because I live in a community and there's a fair amount of those foods at mealtimes. I also have a few other medical-type problems.

Then this morning I managed to pinch that pesky nerve in my back that occasionally gives me trouble, and I don't have any of my heat packs here. Plus it's a rainy, chilly day. So my back and leg hurt. And I'm walking quite slowly. I prefer to think of it as "dignified," although the occasional wince does seem to diminish my dignified conceit.

So I'm tired from having my thyroid medicine partially negated, I have a circulation problem that requires one treatment that is the direct opposite of the treatment for what causes the vocal cord scaring, my arm hurts from spending much more time on the computer since I can't talk much, I can't figure out what to eat, and I'm in pain. And I have to chuckle about it. (Must be those Jewish genes.;-))

And Buddhism.

I could complain, but frankly after I pinched that nerve, I figured I had nothing to complain about. It's karma. Or karmic creditors. Or just plain aging as the Buddha said when he spoke of the eight sufferings we undergo. Or a combination of everything. But whatever the causes, they could have hit me all at once with one ailment. But I'm lucky. I've got a bunch of minor ailments on a list that does seem determined to grow longer.

But so far, I'm choosing not to be frustrated or angry or depressed. I choose to try to understand and look for something to be grateful for. And I am very grateful that my difficulties seem to be spread around so that there isn't that one debilitating illness or injury that would be serious. And I know that if I do not become frustrated or angry or depressed, I'll be able to pay off the karmic debts that have contributed to my problems.

So, I consider myself to be very fortunate.

And that means that I'm still smiling.

And practicing my dignified walk.

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Reader Comments (3)

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteranybody
I don't mind getting old but my body is fighting it with everything it has!
Today my ear lobes feel great.
October 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLeonard
You're right! I just checked and my ear lobes feel great today also!
October 17, 2008 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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