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How Does One Adjust One’s Mindset?

Even if we suffer many wrongs in this world, we should maintain a calm mind and accord with conditions. Why? Because whatever we encounter daily in this lifetime, whether favorable or unfavorable, is destined and brought about by our deeds from past lifetimes.

It is clearly stated in the sutras that there are two kinds of karmic retributions for all beings. The first kind is leading karma, which leads us to be born in a certain path [e.g., as a human or animal]. The second kind is fruition karma, the karmic force from our good and bad deeds done in past lifetimes that brings about all that we undergo in this lifetime, whether we are rich or poor and have a high or low social status.

Now that we understand that what we undergo in this lifetime is the karmic retribution of our deeds done in past lifetimes, how could we not endure and accept it? While we are enduring the karmic retributions, we should not be attached to favorable conditions or become angry with those that are adverse. This way, we will be able to eliminate our negative karmas.

We should know that we must eliminate the negative karma created in past lifetimes; otherwise we cannot transcend the Three Realms. Although learning and practicing the Buddha-name chanting method allows us to attain rebirth in the Western Pure Land while bringing along our residual karma, we still hope to bring along as little residual karma as possible. Therefore, when we encounter adverse conditions, we have a good opportunity to eliminate our negative karma. This is a good thing, not a bad thing. The harder things are to tolerate and the more we are able to tolerate them, the more negative karma we will be able to eliminate, and faster too.

No matter what humiliation or torment we undergo, this will eliminate our negative karma. When we encounter this situation, we should let go of everything and all thoughts, and instead, single-mindedly chant “Amituofo” and seek rebirth in the Western Pure Land.

~ Ven. Master Chin Kung

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Reader Comments (3)

Do we have karma from actions or events that took place earlier in our present life? For example, if I did something bad when I was younger, can I have bad karma in this present life or would it happen in the next life?
October 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTornadoes28
We can have karmic results from actions committed earlier in our current lifetime as well. I recall Teacher saying some years ago that karmic results are occurring sooner than they used to. In other words, our consequences are catching up with us more quickly!
October 15, 2008 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling
hi ven wuling,

I am now in US on a biz trip, interestingly I was seeking for a emotional mgmt for myself (esp. of letting go).

And was hit on a new method and will like to share with you.
The 4 steps are :

1) STOP whatever you are doing/thinking
2) Breathe or relax
3) Strengthen appreciation of Others
4) Seek understanding and real meaing of karma

step 3 is hardest as one will have to see everyone has the same needs. The other advice I got was to look at the INTENTIONS rather than ACTIONS of others ...

Thanks, Ven wuling for your continued sharing despite your physical pain condition.
October 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlouis

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