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Good Luck or Bad Luck?

956849-1028851-thumbnail.jpgOnce upon a time a peasant had a horse. This horse ran away, so the peasant's neighbors came to console him for his bad luck. He answered: "Maybe."

The day after the horse came back, leading six wild horses with it. The neighbors came to congratulate him on such good luck. The peasant said: "Maybe."

The day after, his son tried to saddle and ride on one of the wild horses, but he fell down and broke his leg. Once again the neighbors came to share that misfortune. The peasant said: "Maybe."

The day after, soldiers came to conscript the youth of the village, but the peasant's son was not chosen because of his broken leg. When the neighbors came to congratulate him on his good fortune, the peasant said again: "Maybe."

Good luck or bad luck are a matter of perspective. Maybe something is one, maybe it is the other. Or maybe it just is.


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