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Why We Find it So Hard to be Reborn in the Pure Land

It is most important that, in our cultivation, we correct our wrong mindset. If we are not happy with a person or a situation, this will obstruct our rebirth in the Pure Land, because our minds are not pure. This is why it is hard to attain rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss and why Mr. Li Bingnan (one of Ven. Master Chin Kung's three teachers) said that only one or two out of 10,000 Pure Land practitioners succeed in attaining rebirth there.

Most practitioners only manage to suppress, not uproot, their afflictions. It entirely depends on their luck on their deathbed. If they cannot suppress their afflictions, which arise at the moment of their last breath, they will fall into the Three Evil Paths.

Therefore, we have to work hard to dissolve our dislike or hatred in daily life. We should not hold grudge any more. Instead, we should become more compassionate.

If someone holds a grudge against us, we should treat that person with compassion and gratitude.

Why gratitude? Because he or she helps us achieve the Paramita of Precept Observation and the Paramita of Patience. When we do not harbor the thought of taking revenge, this is keeping the precept of no killing. When we do not harbor anger, this is patience. He or she helps us achieve the Six Paramitas. Isn’t this kindness?

Our afflictions and residual habits from uncountable kalpas are dissolved here and now. In this way, there will be no obstruction to our practice of nianfo and attainment of rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, and we will be able to move Amitabha Buddha to come and guide us on our deathbed.

If there is anything in this world that we cannot let go, it will become an obstacle to us.

~ Based on Ven. Master Chin Kung's 2003 lecture series on the Amitabha Sutra


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Reader Comments (2)

Dear Venerable Wu Lin, Thank you for this inspiring post. For myself I know it is too easy to just chant a bit and vow that I want to be reborn in the Pure Land...and hope it will just happen. Less easy to remember a vow is a statement of intention, on my part that I need to live up to. Thank you again.
September 19, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRichard
Richard, this is another part of the lecture series I'm working on. It is based on Teacher's (Master Chin Kung's) 2003 talk on the Amitabha Sutra. Since it is being translated for my talk the wording is closer to mine, but the wonderful perception is all Teacher's.
September 19, 2007 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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