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The Himalayan Parrot

956849-876151-thumbnail.jpg In a thicket at the foot of the Himalayan Mountains there once lived a parrot together with many other animals and birds. One day a fire started in the thicket from the friction of bamboos in a strong wind and the birds and animals were in frightened confusion.

The parrot, feeling compassion for their fright and suffering, and [remembering] the kindness he had received in the bamboo thicket where he could shelter himself, tried to do all he could to save them. He dipped himself in a pond nearby and flew over the fire and shook off the drops of water to extinguish the fire. He repeated this diligently with a heart of compassion [for all the animals in the thicket].

This spirit of compassion and self-sacrifice was noticed by a heavenly god who came down from the sky and said to the parrot: “You have a gallant mind, but what good do you expect to accomplish by a few drops of water against this great fire?”

The parrot answered: “There is nothing that cannot be accomplished by the spirit of compassion and self-sacrifice. I will try over and over again and then over in the next life.” The great god was impressed by the parrot's spirit and they together extinguished the fire.

~ Thus Have I Heard, Translated by the Sutra Translation Committee


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