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Let Go and Return

Cause and effect is inescapable. As we watch the news unfold daily, we can begin to see that our greed, anger, and ignorance are causing increasing suffering.

Everything arises from our minds. Just as we have given rise to the cause of increasing conflicts and environmental devastation, we can also give rise to another, greater cause that can maybe reduce or possibly even prevent them from happening.

We must replace thoughts of self with thoughts of all others. We must give up feelings of pride, the desires for fame and wealth. We must let go of thoughts of trying to control others. Let go of narrow-mindedness and biased viewpoints. Let go of criticizing, of blaming, of gossiping. Let go of wanting to get even and seeking revenge. We must let go!

Only by letting go, can we return to purity and tranquility. Only in this way, will our hearts become gentle; our minds become serene, as we give rise to the wisdom to accord with all beings. For only with gentle hearts and serene minds will we solve our problems. The goodness that we can bring to others by using our loving-kindness and compassion is infinite—is boundless. And this is our best, our only way to bring true peace to our world. Not for ourselves but for the sake of all beings.


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