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To Change Now

When we give rise to one bad thought of inequality, we turn a favorable situation into an unfavorable one. However, with one single good thought of equality, the Buddha realm will appear in that moment. When we give rise to one single thought of saintly beings, the Heaven realms will appear in that moment. With one thought of purity, our lives will become harmonious and peaceful. Likewise, with one thought of greed, anger, or ignorance, our daily lives will become unsettled and unmanageable.

Today, we regularly hear of conflicts and wars, of earthquakes and floods, and now even of global warming. These disasters are increasing, but they could be reduced or even prevented if we replaced our incorrect ways with those that are good, with those that benefit others and not ourselves. But if we do not change now, then these changes, disasters, and conflicts will continue to increase.

We must understand that anger and killing are not the answer, for even if we destroy a country, annihilate an entire race, even if we detonate enough bombs to wipe out the face of the earth, we will have solved nothing. We cannot waste this opportunity but need to cultivate in a sincere and diligent manner, to apply the principles with unselfish thought and behavior. To be good, to be warm, to be sincere, to put all our efforts into helping others. In this way, all that is good will naturally come our way. But, we must change now.


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