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Have We Really Understood?

956849-787167-thumbnail.jpgIn our ignorance and delusion, we do not truly understand karma. What we think, say, and do will assuredly come back to us, just as surely as if we threw a ball against a wall. It may take a million lifetimes, but the cause will give rise to the result, the ball will bounce back. It is very likely that many people will think, wait a minute, I believe in karma.

Please think again.

Do we really believe and understand? Have we become even a little irritated with someone or something today? That was anger and we have not understood. Have we thought, “I would like to have a special food for dinner tonight” or “Is there still room for me to quickly pull out in front of that car?” That was greed—for taste, for self-interest. if we still have ignorance and delusion, still feel anger and craving, then we have not really understood causality.


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Reader Comments (2)

Can a mentally ill person, who maybe angry alot of the time, ever break free from 'bad karma'?
How does Buddhism treat the mentally ill?
April 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMatt
Mental illness is a result of past karmas. Since all karmic results are finite, at some time when the karmic "debt" is repaid, the result will end.

Buddhism teaches us that we have all planted the seeds for good and bad conditions. We should not look down on anyone because it could have just as easily been us in their place. We need to develop the wish that all beings be happy and free from suffering.

Being angry will create more seeds of suffering in our future, so we ALL need to let go of our angry thoughts.
May 1, 2007 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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