Have We Really Understood?
April 29, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Karma and Causality

956849-787167-thumbnail.jpgIn our ignorance and delusion, we do not truly understand karma. What we think, say, and do will assuredly come back to us, just as surely as if we threw a ball against a wall. It may take a million lifetimes, but the cause will give rise to the result, the ball will bounce back. It is very likely that many people will think, wait a minute, I believe in karma.

Please think again.

Do we really believe and understand? Have we become even a little irritated with someone or something today? That was anger and we have not understood. Have we thought, “I would like to have a special food for dinner tonight” or “Is there still room for me to quickly pull out in front of that car?” That was greed—for taste, for self-interest. if we still have ignorance and delusion, still feel anger and craving, then we have not really understood causality.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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