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Patience enables us to counter anger. It lets us persevere, which allows us to achieve our goals at school, work, and home. With others, patience helps us to interact more harmoniously. For ourselves, it allows us to recognize and overcome our shortcomings. It gives us the inner strength to react wisely in the face of adversity, allowing us to remain unruffled and to stop blaming others for our problems. It is the ability to stay with a difficult undertaking without complaint, disappointment, or resentment. Patience brings success and contentment.


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Reader Comments (1)

It is odd how your posts always seem to hit on a subject that I am having trouble with on the day I read them. Or perhaps, I'm struggling with them all, so whatever you write about will apply. :)

I wrote in my journal today about my anger towards my husband over dropping some college courses 2 years ago and it is still bothering me when the subject comes up. I wrote all my feelings out and then wrote:

"If I were to look at this from a buddhist perspective then I would probably say that my ego is in control at this point and is trying to protect itself. That the situation I am in now is a direct result of my past actions. Therefore, my anger has nothing to do with what my husband did or didn't do. So I should stop blaming him for it."

I had also written about my frustration with patience. I have never been forced to practice patience. Living in the world we do, and being forceful about my desires has gotten me out of waiting a lot. So, I feel like I've done a lot of waiting on my husband and I want to blame him for making me wait. But it all goes back to your post. How fitting it is. Thank you.
March 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGloria

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