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Go Veggie and Help Yourself


·   In America, 55% of all antibiotics are fed to animals and the percentage of staphylococci infections resistant to penicillin went up from 14% in 1960 to 91% in 1988.

·   Vegetarian diets—naturally low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and replete with cancer-protective phytochemicals—help to prevent cancer. Large studies in England and Germany have shown that vegetarians are about 40 percent less likely to develop cancer compared to meat-eaters.1-3 (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine)

·   Vegetarian eating plans offer health benefits, too. Vegetarian plans tend to result in lower rates of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer. Vegetarians also tend to have lower body mass indexes and cholesterol levels. (American Dietetic Association)

·   In the Seventh-Day Adventist Church Health Study, compared to non-vegetarians vegetarians had about ½ the high blood pressure and diabetes, ½ the colon cancer, 2/3 the rheumatoid arthritis and prostate cancer.

·   By purchasing meat and fish, we share in the karma of killing. The retribution from killing is to be killed.


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