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A Public Opinion Poll

I began this blog a little over a year ago. The initial reason for its formation, the reduction in the time I could spend away from my mother who was not well, ceased the day she passed away. The initial goal of the blog, to help in the propagation of Pure Land Buddhism and to suggest a less self-centered way of living, has remained the same.

As an example of the principle that everything changes, I've gradually included other's writing and added more categories. I've periodically tinkered with the layout, appearance, organization. (To those who were reading the blog while I was trying different color combinations and banner images, I send a big apology. I thought I was working just on the template, but discovered the changes were appearing in the actual blog. Oops!)

When I give a lecture, I can see from the faces in the audience, how I'm doing. With a blog, it's more difficult to gauge. Comments are great for feedback, but I know people often don't like to write for a variety of reasons. That leaves me trying to guess what's working and what isn't, what I could add and what I could focus less on.

So what would help me is to hear from you. Are there topics you want to read more about? Or less about? What are your thoughts of the blog's focus, its organization, categories, appearance, or anything else? Are there any questions you wish someone would ask?

Your feedback is much appreciated.

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Reader Comments (8)

Dear Venerable Wuling:

I read your blog regularly and love your story references. You also bring new topics which make people think, such as environmentalism and euthanasia, things which did not exist in the time of Buddha. You bring the Dharma to our daily life which enriches our minds and helps us harmonize with others. Keep doing what you're doing, it's appreciated!
November 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterYvonne Hammond
Dear Venerable Wuling,

I've been reading your blog for over a year, my feedback is that your blog is fabulous. I've never missed every update that's been put up for the last year. The unintentional layouts change are also WONDERFUL!I thought they were okay. The dharma here are too very wide, they involve eveyrthing we encounter in our daily lives. I hope to read more from this blog.Ven. Wu Ling would you know where i can obtain about the 10 doubts on the pure land dharma door spoken by a buddhist patriarch?

namo amitabha
November 25, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterbenny
Venerable Wuling
I agree with Yvonne, I like hearing about practising Dharma in our contemporary and challenging times. You are most certainly skillful in means.
Namo Amitabha
November 25, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter:-)
Dear Venerable Wuling,
I read your blog daily as first activity before doing other access in the Internet. Your writings help me in my cultivation. I have tried to inform and encourage others to read your blog.

Metta Yan
November 26, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterYan
Benny, I have uploaded a copy of Pure Land Buddhism: Dialogs with Ancient Masters to the "Further Reading" page under the navigation bar. The book has a section called "Ten Doubts" by Patriarch Chih I. Hopefully, this is what you were looking for. Amituofo
November 27, 2007 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling
Yvonne, Benny, :-), and Yan—thank you! Your comments are appreciated. The more I know what works, the more I can try to focus on it.
November 27, 2007 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling
Thank you Venerable Wuling for uploading it.
I've been searching this for a while since i couldn't read chinese,i couldn't find them.
I have another request,i hope i'm not asking for too much and taking too much of your time.+____+
Do you have vimalakirti sutra too?
Thank you so much Venerable wuling for the 1st one u uploaded


November 28, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterbenny

I'm glad I had what you were looking for. I don't have a copy of the sutra, but I googled "Vimalakirti Sutra" and found a translation is available online in addition to one in print.

November 28, 2007 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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