A Public Opinion Poll
November 24, 2007
Venerable Wuling

I began this blog a little over a year ago. The initial reason for its formation, the reduction in the time I could spend away from my mother who was not well, ceased the day she passed away. The initial goal of the blog, to help in the propagation of Pure Land Buddhism and to suggest a less self-centered way of living, has remained the same.

As an example of the principle that everything changes, I've gradually included other's writing and added more categories. I've periodically tinkered with the layout, appearance, organization. (To those who were reading the blog while I was trying different color combinations and banner images, I send a big apology. I thought I was working just on the template, but discovered the changes were appearing in the actual blog. Oops!)

When I give a lecture, I can see from the faces in the audience, how I'm doing. With a blog, it's more difficult to gauge. Comments are great for feedback, but I know people often don't like to write for a variety of reasons. That leaves me trying to guess what's working and what isn't, what I could add and what I could focus less on.

So what would help me is to hear from you. Are there topics you want to read more about? Or less about? What are your thoughts of the blog's focus, its organization, categories, appearance, or anything else? Are there any questions you wish someone would ask?

Your feedback is much appreciated.

Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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