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We never know when 
a bodhisattva-to-be
is coming to help.

Arriving at our center mid-afternoon and thus having missed lunch, I went to the kitchen in search of something to eat. Perusing the shelves, I selected a package. While gazing intently at it (apparently thinking that concentration and a furrowed brow would enable me to read Chinese), a fellow nun came in.

Seeing the bag, she laughed and said, “No, not that one.”

I understood what she meant—it was something I either didn’t eat or was unsuitable for what I had in mind. Laughing with her, I put the bag back, grateful once again that others know what I can and cannot eat.

She carefully examined the cabinet and pointed out two bags, one with almond powder and the other with black bean powder. Still chuckling, she said I would enjoy those two together. I mixed them and, of course, she was right. The drink was just what I needed.

We never know when those around us are bodhisattvas in training.


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