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I’m Finished!

That’s what Matt’s grandmother said.

Well actually, what she said was “I’m finished smoking!” I liked that she said this instead of “I’m quitting smoking.”

Matt's grandmother understood that it’s not only important to do the right things; it’s also important how we tell ouselves we'll do them. How committed we are to doing them.

A quitter is someone who gives up easily or lacks the courage and determination to complete something. Hardly an image we’d choose for ourselves.

But a finisher is someone who, having courage and determination, completes what she started.

When I quit something, I can always go back to it. I can quit my job, but not finding another I can return and ask to be re-hired. I can quit school, but not finding anything to do, I can decide to return the next semester. I can quit eating junk food to get healthier, but after getting a better doctor's report I can resume eating all that fun food I deprived myself of!

When I finish my job, it’s done. Over. When I finish school, I have the education that I wanted and now can move on to whatever is next in my life. When I’m finished eating junk food, I’ve eliminated my addiction to sugar, salt, and harmful fats, and instead prefer good tasting food that keeps me healthy and energetic.

Quitting is negative and can be short-lived.

Finishing is positive and final.

So, I’m finished getting angry. I’m finished replaying past events that make me sad. I’m finished putting my own interests ahead of others.

I’m not quitting the bad stuff—I’m finished with the bad stuff.

And I’m moving on to a happier future. 


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