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After We Become a Buddha

Question: After we become a Buddha in the Western Pure Land, do we create our own pure land and help people? Or do we we stay in the Pure Land and help people from there?" 

Response: When we are still practicing in the Pure Land as Bodhisattvas, we can have (1) reward body that stays in the Pure Land to learn from Amitabha Buddha and (2) manifestation body that can be anywhere we need to be to help beings.

After one becomes a Buddha in the Pure Land, one may continue to assist Amitabha Buddha in teaching beings and also manifest in any of the Ten Dharma Realms to help beings.

Do we need to create another Pure Land to help beings?

It depends on what one's causal vows (vows made when one is a Bodhisattva cultivating to become a Buddha) are. When one becomes a Buddha, one's causal vows will be fulfilled. One can also vow to help all beings become Buddhas by teaching them to attain rebirth into Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land. Since the Pure Land is the best school there is to help beings to become Buddhas, it is not necessary to create another Pure Land. Actually, the Pure Land is a manifestation of the pure mind. When our minds are pure, though we are here on Earth, we are already in the Pure Land. All Buddhas help Amitabha Buddha to help beings become a Buddha.


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