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Essence of the Infinite Life Sutra, Excerpt Three


Constantly, they used the Dharma sound

to awaken all the worlds.

“Dharma” refers to methods and principles.

“Dharma” refers to methods and principles.

The teaching in the previous two excerpts is for self-cultivation and self-benefit. The teaching in this excerpt is for benefiting others. When we benefit from our learning and practice, we should use the experience, through words and our examples, to help others achieve the same results we have.

“All the worlds” refers to the beings in the Nine Dharma Realms.

Essence of the Infinite Life Sutra by Venerable Master Chin Kunghe teaching in the previous two excerpts is for self-cultivation and self-benefit. The teaching in this excerpt is for benefiting others. When we benefit from our learning and practice, we should use the experience, through words and our examples, to help others achieve the same results we have.

“All the worlds” refers to the beings in the Nine Dharma Realms.

Essence of the Infinite Life Sutra by Venerable Master Chin Kung


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