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Thoughts on Purity of Mind

  • What is the difference between ordinary people and Bodhisattvas?  Bodhisattvas correct their faults every day until they become Buddhas.  Ordinary people do not yet realize their faults.
  • Deep concentration is not being attached to external forms.  It is to remain in stillness and serenity.
  • We all want to accumulate merits and virtues. Giving is to cultivate them and patience is to keep them. If we are not patient but give rise to resentment and anger we will constantly be burning up our merits and virtues.
  • Our mind needs to remain in serenity.  Our body needs to continue in movement.
  • To go along with our true nature, we need to give up trying to control and dominate others.  Then our purity of mind will increase and our afflictions will decrease.
  • To be pure and tranquil is not to be separated from all phenomena, it is to not be attached to all phenomena.
  • Purity and calmness are the greatest enjoyment of the mind pure.  Where do we start?  First, let go of selfishness, let go of thoughts of controlling others.  All sentient beings have thoughts on controlling others, our environment and infinite objects.  These wandering and discriminating thoughts and attachments block our purity of mind.
  • Why is it called the Pure Land?  Because it reflects the qualities of all who live there; kindness, gentleness and purity.

 ~ Based on the teachings of Venerable Master Chin Kung

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Reader Comments (3)


Somethings the Venerable Master Chin Kung has written is so wonderful

Thank you all for such an eloquent translation

Reading this was like being a butterfly and landing on a perfect flower. It is perfect

March 10, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranybody

So I am suppose to try to change and not keep doing the same thing over and over again.Hmm

Wow this gives doing better another angle.

Deep concentration, stillness and serenity while in motion.
Been there done that but would much rather not have to move about and be involved, yuck. And yet that is not my reality so I work pay bills and struggle.

I strugggle because I just can't sit all day at the top of the mountain and chant.

Giving up control and dominating others is an artform my mind has worked on for a great deal of time consciously and unconsciously.

It is like always being right. I like being right. Who out there does not like being right? However,I much rather be happy and joyful instead.

Not to be separarted from all phenomena. But I like being alone and away from the world and all its troubles and tribulations and all the complaining that goes on in the world it is exhausting.

It is not to be attached to all phenomena. I never had a lot of money, always just enough. I suspect this is harder for people with money.

So many fancy and wonderful places on this world to visit, explore and share with family and friends. So many things one can create. With money it would be endless running around what to build or create next.

Being poor or having just enough seems so much more comfortable. All I have to worry about is the next bill to pay on the first and the fifteenth, and my donation.

If you have not figured it out I just love this entry.

WoW how profound.

Thank you for the effort you put into this blog

March 11, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranybody
It is really hard to maitain "Thougts on Purity Mind" every minute,every hour and every day! I know if I could I should be Bodhisattvas.How can we do to work on that in detail?
March 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlice

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