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We Don't Mean To

(I'm in a retreat and unable to post, so here is another entry that seems to bear repeating...)

We don't wake up in the morning and say to ourselves, “Today, I'm going to be selfish and inconsiderate. I’m going to ignore the feelings of others.” We don't consciously make the decision to do this. And yet throughout the day, we act selfishly in so many ways.

We don’t write that letter to a friend, even though we know he is looking forward to hearing from us. We again postpone that trip to the library to return that best-seller that we took out, even though we know someone is probably waiting to read it. We go shopping with one friend forgetting that we had already told another we’d go with her.

Neither do we wake up and say “Today is the day I'm going to make someone suffer.” And yet that’s what we do—cause pain.

We don't turn the heat down because we'd be uncomfortable if our home was colder.  So we contribute to global warming and people in Bangladesh who never used a light bulb are told their land is being eroded due to planetary warming from carbon emissions. We don’t visit our friend in the nursing home because we’re busy, and so our friend is alone and feel forgotten.

We get trapped by our habits, our personal inertia, and our wish for comfort.

We don’t mean to be selfish or unkind. But too often, we are.


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Reader Comments (2)

To stay more mindful of this, I have a "Household To Do", a "Business/Work To Do" and I have a "Compassion To Do". The Compassion To Do List has my volunteer and kindness acts I would like to do. All 3 are on my computer wallpaper so I see them every time I turn on the computer. This helps me take time to call the friend or work on a volunteer project.

Just a thought for others...
February 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSue K
We don't mean too. That's certain. We can settle our thoughts and aspire to redirect our habits in a more positive way. I'm new to the way and Buddhism. I was drawn to meditation for the moments of stillness and have looked forward from there.

I found you on Ama's, The Lotus Pond, the Feb. 20, 2010 post stopped my mind still. We must be the path. Her photo drew the thought and the movement, toward being the way, together.

February 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaggs

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