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Only We Can Do It


do not resent the heavens for one's fate.

do not blame our problems on others.


realize the negative cause

lies within us,

was created by us,

can only be transformed by us,

resolved by us with





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Reader Comments (4)

Very nice. Very true. Interestingly enough, turn the text upside down and you have a stupa!!!!!

Peace & love, Geo
August 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGeo
This was good to read when I did. Thank you.
August 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEdaMommy
Venerable, I printed this off tonight. I need to look at it more often. The practice has helped me to see how true this is. But now I tend to look at people's suffering and feel less compassion, even for myself, because we bring it on ourselves. But that is judgemental, and I go round and round.I hope to get to the part where problems can be solved with understanding, diligence, and love. How do I manifest diligence?
Amituofo, Cameo
September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCameo

Diligence manifests when we feel the suffering of others as deeply as we feel our own. It also comes from the first of those two vows I'm always asking Peter to say for us. :-)

"Sentient beings are innumerable, I vow to help them all."

We can also remember all the kindnesses shown to us by so many people and begin to repay them. If they are no longer alive, then we repay the kindness to those who are.
September 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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