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I'm Not Arrogant, I'm Right!

This occurred to me the other day when I was thinking of a particular situation. (No, the person I was thinking of doesn't read this blog, so it's not any of you.:-))

Another individual had called the person in the situation arrogant. I could see how they thought so. Then I deliberately thought of another situation, this one involving myself. That's when the title of this entry popped into my mind.

It raises some interesting questions for us to ask ourselves.

When have I worked on something enough or learned enough to know that I clearly am right. Or when am I giving myself more credit than I deserve. And how good am I at discerning the difference.

For those of us trying to change our behavior, the discernment is crucial. It requires more than being honest with ourselves, which is difficult enough. It requires that we really know ourselves. It also requires us to know what we are doing and to honestly assess any given situation.

And perhaps all these come down to the question: how hard am I willing to work at this.


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Reader Comments (1)

A similar situation which i'd like to share, at the temple i go to i go out

to help prepare the halls recitations. On this particular day work was

shortened and there was only 2 person to help, someone cleaned the place up

so we had to just clean the Way Place. Somewhere in the process comes

a'woman' who started dispensing orders like we weren't doing our jobs,

somewhere there I realized am i supposed to be angry? at one point i think


looked at me and thought i got offended, but i just smiled at her and

continued carrying the things around. Then i realized,because of ourselves

comes this arrogance and anger and stupidity.

PS: I'm removing my name not too sure if anyone from wherever i go to reads
July 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranonymous.

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