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I Know What I'm Doing, It's the Other Person Who Doesn't


It's really tough breaking those old habits.

I'm sitting in my room in one of the two nun's dormitories at the Pure Land College Association in Toowoomba. Outside my window, I can see the mist and slight drizzle that we've had since this morning. Periodically we've had some rain as well.

When the main gate is closed at lunchtime, people come and go using the walkway and gate in front of our house. My room is at the front of the house, so I look out on the walkway and the street. And as longer-term readers know, I do tend to look out the window when thinking. Or when I'm distracted from my work. ;-)

I just noticed a young woman walking out. She was carrying an umbrella, but wearing plastic slip-ons like you wear at the beach, not closed shoes. I immediately thought, "She'll get her feet wet. And in this chilly weather she could get sick."

Then it quickly occurred to me that I had worn sandals to lunch.


Ah! But I had a good reason. I only go about eight paces until I'm under cover and remain so the rest of the way to the dining hall. So I'm perfectly justified. She's not.


Thank goodness, all this silliness only took a few seconds before I caught myself.

But this is what we do all the time. Find fault with what others are doing. If we happen to notice that we do the same thing, we quickly justify our own behavior. I have a good reason. Clearly the other person does not. I know what I’m doing, the other person doesn’t. I’m right, they’re wrong.

We do this all the time: observing, differentiating, criticizing, judging. Imagine how much more pleasant it would be to just clearly observe and stop there. Or at least observe clearly and think something pleasant.

As in, “Wow! Like the hot pink slip-ons!”


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Reader Comments (5)

Mea culpa too. Habits are so useful and so hard to change or even get enough perspective on to know, 'it's not me'. This is one reason why living as part of a community / family is both challenging and rewarding!

best wishes,

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRichard
I love wearing hot pink color shoes. I was taught that in Feng Shui, this color on the feet dispells negativity. It does make me happy to look down and see a fun splash of color.

As I watch the children across the street I am tempted to comment, but then I remember, they too must experience some physical lessons-- scraped knees and other ouchies. Some karmic lessons are best learned directly. (Perhaps a necessity for someone hard headed like me!)

Thanks for sharing the lesson--and I highly recommend hot pink flip flops! :-) They are even more fun to flop and splash in the rain. I guess part of me still hasn't grown up.
April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSue K
I originally was going to type a lengthy positive comment on the article but then decided that I too have done the same so decided to go with:

I prefer earth tones as pink sandals wouldnt compliment my chubby toed anglo pale white feet.

Peace, Geo
Namo Amituofo
April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGeorge Verge
Okay George, I don't thing you truly appreciate the serious nature of this blog. Such levity is TOTALLY inappropriate. Earth tone sandals and pale white feet indeed...

(Mine are brown--sandals that is)
April 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling
"Thank goodness, all this silliness only took a few seconds before I caught myself."

Mindfulness at all times.
This reminds me of the word( my chinese isn't that good) but i know that word Yi Sing Pu luan, Single minded recitation.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBenny

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