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Mistaking a Thief for a Son

Greed, anger, and delusion are afflictions common to everyone. However, if you are aware that they are diseases, their power should not be overwhelming. They are like thieves who have broken into the house. If the owner mistakes them for members of the household, all the valuables in the house will be stolen. If, on the other hand, he recognizes the thieves as such and immediately chases them away, his valueables will be safeguarded and he will be at peace. In this connection, the ancients have said:

Fear not the early arising of thoughts [greed, anger, delusion, etc.]; fear only the late awareness of them as such.

When greed, anger, and delusion arise, as long as you recognize them for what they are, these thoughts will immediately be destroyed. However, if you take them for the true master of your household, it is no different from mistaking a thief for your son. How can your riches not be squandered and lost.

~ Great Master's Yin Guang, Thirteenth Patriarch of the Pure Land school


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