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Souls Separated by Phantoms


There are those who would quickly love each other

if once they were to speak to each other;

for when they spoke they would discover

that their souls were only separated by phantoms and delusions.

~ Ernest Hello, 19th century French philosopher


Student Raj Dhillon in conversation with a homeless woman in Toronto. Researching a project on transient housing, he wanted to know more about her circumstances.

Phot by James Scott

Poster by Yes! Magazine


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Reader Comments (2)

Dear Ven Wuling,
Thanks for sharing the articles with us , however when I came across this kind of post or pictures how I wish I ve the ability to help others to ease their suffering & give them comfort yet I feel so helpless ... Sometimes real find this world getting worse instead of making it good and appreciated nature .
I keep encourage myself never get emotional with it , so I keep working hard to become more compassion & wisdom to slove problems .
Amituofo !!
January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterErica

I believe that once we open our hearts to the wish to help, the opportunities to do so will appear. We just need to be attentive to recognize them and wise to know how to truly help. Both arise from sincerity.
January 9, 2009 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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