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The Ocean Liner Destiny

Question: When a person goes through a healing session and is healed .. what happened to the bad fortune that the person was originally intended to experience. Is it gone or defer to next lives with increased magnitude?

Also, in subsconscious book .. readers are asked to use subsconscious mind to attract good things to one's life. And let us say a person attract good fortune/health by doing this .. is it something that the person had to pay back in next lives?

Response: If we are supposed to get well, we will. It might happen if we take medicine or have a healing. Or do nothing.

On the other hand, if because of our past karma, we are not destined to get well, no amount of medicine or other means will make us well. So we didn't defer or eliminate what we were supposed to undergo, we just didn't know what was supposed to happen and mistakenly thought we had changed it.

The same with getting other good things. They'll come to us regardless of what we do. We get them because of our previous good actions—by being generous, teaching others, reducing other's fears. So the good fortune we now enjoy came because we were selfless and helped others.

But if in this life, we try to attract good things to ourselves, that's not a selfless goal. We may say we want the good things to be able to help others, but if this was purely so, why not just have the thought "I wish others would have good fortune, health, etc."? But this was not the thought.

So when we get good fortune and enjoy it and also try to attract more, we not only reduce our current store of good fortune, we fail to create more because we are thinking selfishly.

It's best to share our current good fortune and develop the wish that all beings have it as well. Gradually, we will alter the direction our destiny was headed in. But this takes time, it doesn't happen quickly. It's like trying to change the direction of an ocean liner. You don't just hit the brakes and turn around. You have to gradually slow the ship down while continuing in the same direction. Only after you have greatly reduced the speed of the ship can you begin to ease it into a new direction.

The best way to do this with our karma is to selflessly help others. Do this and the ship will naturally slow and change direction.

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Reader Comments (1)

Wow this is a really good question and answer!

I would vernure to guess: patients, practice and more giving are all part of this tanker turning around 360 degrees.

I would not have come up with "may all beings have good fortune" as part of it. Thanks for the bump.

pooh's student
September 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpooh's student

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