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Oil Addiction

Before we can fix a problem, we need to understand what it is and how it developed. I'm not sure how fixable our oil addiction is, but as with any addiction, admitting we have a problem comes first.

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Reader Comments (4)

One way to fix the addiction quickly is for world oil supplies to start decling rapidly. Simple economics is always the best motivator. Other alternative are going to start to become more prevalent. We are going to have more and more alternatives in the coming years.
August 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJon

Agreed. As oil supplies dwindle, we will be forced into reducing our consumption. We're already seeing this happening.

Unfortunately, to develop, produce, and transport new alternative energies, we need oil, water, minerals, etc. Just as we are experiencing peak oil as supplies decrease and demand increases exponentially, natural gas, coal, uranium, and many mineral deposits are also either at a peak or rapidly approaching one. To produce energy, we need energy. History shows us that when countries want natural resources, if they can't buy them, they'll go to war to get them.
August 8, 2008 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling
Going to war is kinda of what we are doing in Iraq right now isn't?

Any how, there are people working very hard to get the word out about alternative energy sources. For example this past Sunday i went to an energy fair,(yes on Sunday). By the way i saw a solar oven for sale, (nice).

At the fair i met people who are earnestly trying to change the world. EACH ONE TEACH ONE. That is how the change will occur.

i learned about a book From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank. I asked millions of questions of a retired fellow who created a converter from scratch for his fuel. I saw for my own eyes how he gets 50 MPG on used frying grease. This was fairly easy to do. We can take used vegetable oil from restaurants, filter it and use it as a fuel source for the car.

I saw big 4x4 trucks run on vegetable oil. Yes i am sure you are going to say this is Biofuel. Well ya and its great! This is something we can learn to do and feel better we are doing something instead of feeling helpless about our situation. Granted you need a diseal car.

We can only do what is if front of us. Right now the fuel crunch is in front of us.

In the next year and a half i will look for a diseal car and try my best to create this machine. I was so impressed by this gentl mans committment. It is very do-able.

The book is called From the Fryer to the fuel tank written by Joshua Tickell. It can be ordered at book

Then there are bio-diseal fuel coops so you don't have to filter the oil yourself and get messy.

I hope others are inspired to try to at least look for the book.
August 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteranybody

Each One Teach One is perfect! And the solar ovens are wonderful. I now have two.

I wouldn't call vegetable oil biofuel as it's more of a "waste product" from cooking, not a plant that was taken out of the food supply to run our cars. The only problem is that the supply is very limited. I have read that some restaurants are now selling it and that individuals are having more trouble finding it. But even though vegetable oil biofuel has limited potential, for those fortunate enough to have a supply, it sounds great.
August 12, 2008 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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