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Surely It's Too Small to Matter!

As Buddhists we understand that intention is very important, as is doing what is right regardless of what others think of or say to us. Nothing is too small to matter.

It's all important. We cannot fall into the habit of thinking that a small action doesn't count. That we can do what we please and only try to do the right thing when it's something major. That our small action won't really change anything so there's no point in trying to do what is right. That we're too tired or there's not enough time or it's too difficult or people will think we're a goody-goody or make fun of us.

If we're really honest with ourselves, we'll see these are just excuses.

And it's easier to give ourselves excuses than it is to make an effort when the immediate return seems so small.

So it's back to remembering that nothing is too small to matter. Even if our actions result in such a small goodness that it is unperceivable, it’s still worth doing.

Because it’s the right thing to do.

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Reader Comments (1)

Oh, how very true! It is the small comment or act that I find I remember longest...actions or words that the giver perhaps does not evn realise they are giving. The big deeds that are planned, overly generous or time consuming may make the recipient feel embarrassed or obligated, as though the giver may be acting from duty rather that love and kindness.

The small actions, what Don calls "random acts of kindness", are like soft gentle consistent rain, soaking into the earth and feeding, nourishing it, while the big planned, though generous, actions are more like a torrential downpour, perhaps stripping the earth of its surface and scarring ,it while attempting the same task.
August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJudy

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