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The Toothache

When in pain and suffering, we are very aware of the intensity of both. We go around thinking, "I have such pain! And such terrible suffering because of this toothache!" But when we go to the dentist or the toothache goes away on its own and the pain is no longer, we happily say "The pain has stopped! I'm no longer suffering! This is really such a relief. I'm so happy!"

Then, we forget about both. Forgetting both, we do not realize how fortunate we are to no longer have that terrible pain.

So the next time you're feeling blah or thinking that you're just not feeling happy, tell yourself "Life is wonderful! I don't have a toothache!"


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Reader Comments (2)

Dear Venerable Wu Ling,

This is a GREAT EXAMPLE of having pain and suffering no matter what words you use.  (Having a turek, not having a turek having a non-turek.)  In addition if we are bored we can take our ho hum boring feelings and turn them into wonderful feelings. By recognizing or being mindful of what we have in the present moment.  We can make ourselves happy by being mindful of our personal environment-no toothache. WOW!

June 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteranybody
Amituofo...from happy-person-with-no-toothache ;-)
June 7, 2008 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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