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Doing it Again

956849-1612106-thumbnail.jpgOkay, I'm looking out my window again. (Resting my eyes after writing for several hours. And yes, you're right. I really do seem to do this a lot.) Immediately outside my window is a lawn. Beyond that is a road just wide enough for two cars and which ends in a cul-de-sac a little past my building. Beyond the road is a four acre pond with woods on the other side. The geese and ducks are swimming with their respective families of goslings and ducklings.

The road is quiet and safe. I often see parents walking with their children or teaching them to ride a bike. But today, the little girl from the next building went by pushing a baby stroller. (I think that's what they're called. I don't have much experience in this area. ;-)) She's only a head taller than the covered stroller. It's a gloriously sunny day and the lawn and woods are a deep green. The little girl has long blonde hair, which blows in the breeze.  

As she was passing by on her third or fourth circuit of walking, I heard the baby begin to cry. The girl stopped her very professional manner of walking, went around to the front of the stroller, put both hands on the bar in front of the stroller, and leaned in, seeming to access the situation. She gazed for a second or two, and then with her very professional manner stood up again and returned to her position behind the stroller and resumed her brisk, efficient walk. Apparently this assessment also assured the baby that it was okay because when she came back into sight again, the baby was no longer crying. 

There's no great message here. Just a few minutes of old-fashioned tranquility and good mid-western values. I see a little girl looking after her baby sister or brother. I see a group of young women sitting together on lawn chairs next to the grill while one woman brings food to the others. I also see a father showing his young son how to throw a ball. Nothing exceptional. Nothing dramatic. Just family members and friends sharing and looking after each other.



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Reader Comments (2)

nice writing. the photo is very nice
June 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKudzu Fire
Kudzu Fire,

Thank you for visiting and leaving your comments.
June 7, 2008 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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