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Timing is Everything

One day I was doing prostrations in my dorm room. The session was fairly long for me and I felt wonderful. As I left the building to go to the main building, I saw another nun. She approached me, looked at me for a second and announced that she had something to tell me. She admitted that, actually, she had had something for a few days but was afraid it would make me angry. (I know nuns are not supposed to become angry but this is still samsara.) She proceeded to tell me her news, and I smiled and said no problem. She was very relieved and we happily walked together to the other building.

To say something to others, we need to find the right words AND the right time.  


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Reader Comments (1)

Finding the right time. Means we must be aware of the other. This means we are caring. We are mindful of the other person. This is very loving. This is a great example of being caring, kind and compassionate. This means the person was not impulsive and was in slow motion in making the approach in the conversation.
This is living the dharma, how nice.

June 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteranybody

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