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Sorting and Packing and Storing! Oh, My!

956849-1664255-thumbnail.jpgTo those who have noticed a slowing down of posting in the past two weeks, I do apologize. I am preparing to return to Australia and am busy sorting, packing, selling, donating, gifting, digging (for things I already sorted and packed but thank goodness still had in the apartment!), shipping, and storing.

If it wasn't for all the kind and, thank goodness, ORGANIZED people here helping me to get ready, I'd still be in the pre-sorting stage!

The packing has been especially challenging. Frankly, a person who cannot figure out what size container to put a meal's leftovers in should not, I repeatNOTbuy the packing cartons. Thank goodness for Jim, who patiently and even cheerfully, went to the store and exchanged the large boxes for small ones.

I'll be in Australia next week and plan to resume my regular posting schedules. That's my plan, my intention. (Please remember that in everything we do, intentions are verrry important... ;-)) 


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