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Harmony Within and Without

The Study Report says: “Harmony at the level of inner truth (noumenon) means to attain One Mind Undisturbed and the Supreme, Perfect Enlightenment.” This is the goal of Pure Land practitioners. We Pure Land practitioners share the same goal and work towards the same direction—to attain One Mind Undisturbed. This is the goal of Pure Land practitioners. When one attains One Mind Undisturbed, one is truly qualified for attaining rebirth in the Western Pure Land. When one attains rebirth in the Western Pure Land, one will attain Supreme, Perfect Enlightenment. This is harmony at the level of inner truth (noumenon); this is our common goal.

Harmony at the level of phenomena means that we have to coexist. The Buddha taught the Six Harmonies for the Sangha to follow in daily life. The first is harmony in having the same viewpoints. How does one achieve this? By following the teachings in the sutras. The second is harmony in observing the same precepts. These precepts are the norms in daily life that we have to follow. The third is harmony in living together. We have to get along with everybody in a group. The fourth is harmony in speaking without conflict. There is no argument; whatever personal opinion we have, we replace it with the thought of Amituofo. The fifth is harmony in experiencing the Dharma bliss. We should be sincere, pure-minded, impartial, and compassionate. The last is harmony in sharing benefits. Everybody has the same living standard, and all offerings received are shared fairly.

~ Based on Ven. Master Chin Kung's 2003 lecture series on the Amitabha Sutra


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