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Licenses Expiring and Conditions Maturing


The following is from a thoughtful reader who took the time to respond to my question of how he came across our websites: 

I am a beginner in the practise of Pure Land Buddhism. Since young, I visit temples from time to time with my family. Although I consider myself a Buddhist, the right conditions never arise for me to learn more about Buddhism. 

In October of 2006, I decided to visit Nan Tien Temple in Wollongong which is around an hour south of Sydney. On the way to the temple, I was happily speeding along the highway till I was stopped by the traffic police for speeding. Other than a speeding ticket with a huge fine, it also came to my attention that my driver licence was about to expire. As such, I decided to renew my licence at the RTA (Road Traffic Authority) in Sydney the following week.

So one weekday morning the following week, I was walking to the RTA when I come across a sign advertising free distribution of Buddhism books. The shop that the sign was referring to was closed and I made a mental note to visit that shop one day. 

A few days later, I finished work early and decided to visit the shop. This was the first time I visited Maha Bodhi Buddhist Centre which is run by Mr Michael Chen and his wife Mrs Jennifer Chen. They are kind enough to introduce some books on Buddhism to me and since then I had been visiting them every few weeks.

After being formally introduced to Buddhism by Michael, my interest in Buddhism grew...I never looked back since.

When the seeds we have planted mature, conditions will be such that "coincidences" will occur. As we see in the above account, they can do so in most unusual ways. So we don't need to try to force things to happen. By according with proper conditions, as the reader did by renewing his license, the conditions will unfold naturally.  A shop will be noticed, a mental note to visit on another day will be made, and the visit will be paid. All through according with proper conditions.


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Reader Comments (1)

Dear Venerable Wu Lin,

When I look back, much of the suffering I have encountered is because I got an idea firmly fixed between my teeth and forced it into existence. In my mind I was doing 'the right thing', and there was no other correct way. I have read about, studied and practised Buddhism for many years and have seen the advice to accord with conditions many, many times. Sometimes it takes a long time for something to go from a concept into a realisation. The thing that I like about Pure Land practise is that I do not have to be perfect to end the cycle of births and deaths. I can do it from the Pure Land, I hope! This is just beginning to help me relax in to what is going on now, and now, and now. Because I don't have to get it right and do the right thing on a grand level, just whatever is happening now is enough.

Thank you
May 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRichard

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