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Shouldn't, Wouldn't

One of Ajahn Chah's disciples had a knee problem that could only be corrected by surgery. Although the doctors had assured him his knee would be well in a couple of weeks, months went by and it still hadn't healed properly.

When he saw Ajahn Chah again, he complained saying, "They said it wouldn't take this long. It shouldn't be this way." Ajahn Chah laughed and said, "If it shouldn't be this way, it wouldn't be this way."

~ Ajahn Chah


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Reader Comments (1)

Dear Venerable Wu Lin, This post made me smile. I know Ajahn Munindo and will be going on a week's retreat with him next week.

Today the thought occurred to me that my practice has changed over the years. When I was younger and a crisis came along, I used to stop meditating as my mind was too agitated. Now a major crisis has come along I meditate more because my mind is too agitated! It can be so painful having an 'I'. I am so grateful for learning about Pure Land practice and knowing that with Amitabha's help this can be my last birth.

Thank you for another touching post.

with best wishes,

Richard Ingate
May 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRichard

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