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A Buddhist Response to Climate Change, Epilogue

There are many people who are writing about what Richard Heinberg has called “powering down” than I. But I understand how overwhelming the information can seem. I also understand that after the realization that our world in the near future will be very different from that of the recent past, there will be those who want to know what they can do to begin preparatons now.

An excellent beginning blog is No Impact Man. I started with the first post and worked my way through each month from there. The author shows hows the changes brought about by the end of cheap energy can in many ways bring about a return to a less stressful, more meaningful way of living.

One of the few blog's I read daily is Sharon Astyk’s Casaubon's Book. Astyk is an articulate writer who is broad-ranging in her research. Along with the factual analysis and the commentary, she also says what she is currently doing to prepare for the future and what others might do as well. Last month I signed up for her food storage class. After the class ended, everyone agreed that the posts and material should be made available to the public. This is now an ongoing Yahoo group.

I have found the programs at Peak Moment TV enormously helpful. It's a virtual who's who of people in the peak oil and sustainable living fields. There's a wealth of information, which is easily taken in during the thirty minute interviews.   

There are also many books, several of which are listed here. I recommend you try to get them from your library. If not available there, you could try for used editions.  Also available are some excellent DVDs like What a Way to Go, and with more here.


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