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How Bodhisattvas and Good Teachers Help Us

The wisdom, virtues, and powers of the bodhisattvas of the higher ranks, and their capabilities to perceive other beings are very close to those of a Buddha. When they help a being, they can see all the past lives of that being. Why? Because those who have realized Buddha-nature have no delusion of time and space. No delusion of time means the boundaries among the past, present, and future no longer exist. No delusion of space means there is no far or near.

An event that occurred many million of years ago is as clear to them as if it were happening right before their eyes. They would know what a being had learned in their past lives and teach that being the relevant method. That being would find the learning interesting and accessible, and would thus make good progress in a short time. Why? Because this being’s learning in his or her past lives had already planted a seed in the Alaya consciousness (the being’s store consciousness that contains all their past karmas.)

When a good teacher teaches a method to a being, the teacher will draw the seeds of residual habits out of that being’s Alaya consciousness. Practitioners who have attained certain degrees of realization have this kind of ability. Those who have not attained realization, do not. But if a practitioner has taught for a long time and is very experienced, he or she may be sixty or seventy percent accurate in his or her perception of the student’s capacity. If the student diligently practices the method recommended by the teacher, the student will succeed in his or her practice. The teacher’s experience enables him or her to make the right recommendations.

But it is very difficult to encounter a good teacher. One must be sincere and be willing to learn. This is the most important factor for one to encounter a good teacher. One should also respect teachers and their teachings. In addition, one must believe the teacher, understand the teaching, and practice accordingly. When one can do all these, it is possible for one to encounter a good teacher.

~ Based on Ven. Master Chin Kung's 2003 lecture series on the Amitabha Sutra


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