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Worst Enemy, Best Friend

Question: Is it appropriate to pray to Amitabha Buddha for help in getting better? I wouldn't think it appropriate to pray for worldly blessings like wealth or success, but for something that is so intense and life-crippling that the pain I sometimes long to end the pain by ending my life, and thus end my chance to cultivate for who knows how long, I feel that maybe it's appropriate. What do you think about this? The frustrating thing is that in every other way I'm healthier now than at any other time in my life.

One positive is that I do have plenty of time for focusing on the chanting, and the vulnerability of this body and life, that is ever apparent now, is a great motivator. So it's not all bad, for sure. But I often feel that I need a miracle. So should I pray to Amitabha Buddha for help on this?

Response: I believe it appropriate to ask Amitabha to help you and to help all those in suffering, including those who you have harmed in the past. A sense of regret for all the harm we have done and a sincere apology can help to reduce our current suffering. As you are asking for help, think of how you would be able to help others if you were well. In this way, you're not asking for help for just yourself, but for those you in turn can help.

The painful reality is that the suffering we feel is the result of suffering we caused others. Not becoming angry, even with ourselves or for the conditions that lead to our suffering, will help us repay the karmic debts we currently find ourselves owing,

When in pain, I know it is very difficult to focus on practice. But the irony here is that with pain, we are less attached to this body and more anxious to go to the Pure Land.

So the very source of our suffering can also become the source of our liberation.


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Reader Comments (2)

Physical pain is difficult for anybody to bear.

Praying to Amita for others has reduced severe pain i have had in the past. Some how thinking and acting on others' behalf seems to quell the pain and suffering my own body undergoes as a result of aging (and not having attended to my body when i had the chance). Also, this may sound weird but penence also helps. I'm not talking about the stuff you see in the movies i am talking about the stuff from your heart. The memory of doing someone a wrong and saying "oh my, i guess i won't be doing that one again." and of course the opportunity will find its way to you to see if that is true. Then you can actually change in One Life Time.

The key to all of this is going slow. I mean snails pace. Other wise we keep hurting others with out intending to and before we know it we said something because we are talking too fast or moving too fast.

Physically, mentally and emotionally moving too fast will get us in trouble when we least expect it. Living in the now and not the "what's next" takes self learning and lots of practice.


December 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteranybody
ending one's life .. hmmm I had that subject in me once too. And thankfully for me, I got that through quite quickly. What happens was I try to look beyond myself and see what roles I am to do or contribute to my family and community. eg. being a good parent, a good child, a good spouse, a good siblings in-law, charity ...

to "anybody" above, thanks for your sharing ... yes, I also experience and agreed that when one wishes for others, it seem to help the recovery process faster.

physical pain I had them too for a middle age person that seems not common, perhaps I am more "heavy" ... but it does make one more humane and I felt compassion for old people. sometimes, I wonder if I had this pain over here .. how others will feel if they had pains over there, there, there ... I just pray may all beings have "good health".

December 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlouis

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