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As Natural as Breathing

Everything is in a constant state of flux, ever-changing, continuously moving. In our comfort with the known and worry about the unknown, we often wish things would stay the way they are even when they are not ideal.

But the reality is that we cannot hold on to life and stop it from changing.

Breathe in and then hold your breath. Do not let it go, do not breathe out. How does this holding of your breath feel? In a matter of seconds, holding on to our breath becomes increasingly uncomfortable. At some point, we cannot help but expel that breath.

Just as we cannot hold on to our breath, we cannot keep change from occurring. Change is as natural as our breathing in and breathing out.


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Reader Comments (1)

hi Venerable Wuling

With no expectation of anything or desire for any results, just focus on our breathing ... air in, air out through our noses free us from unneccessary thoughts or worry that tie or bind one.

Beside chanting "amitofuo", i use breathing as a technique to improve myself too.

Have a nice weekend.
November 14, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlouis

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