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More Stubborn than the Proverbial Mule

As humans, we are so stubborn!

We put off doing something even though we know we always feel good doing it. Then, when we find ourselves having to do that something, having to do what we know is right, we again feel good. Just like we had remembered from before! While doing what was right, we felt like this was exactly where we were supposed to be, and we were doing exactly what we were supposed to be doing.

While engrossed in our activity, and for some time afterwards, we feel so happy for we did was truly important.

But what happens the next time we are supposed to do that activity? We hesitate! We look for excuses. We procrastinate until it is too late and the day is over.

As I said, we humans are very stubborn.

We find it so difficult to break our bad habits because it is so much easier not to do so. But break them we must.


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